6G Ambience Intelligent

Technology is a primary characteristic of human beings, which at its core is intended to improve our lives. Whether  incremental or disruptive, technological advancements form a virtuous cycle of constant innovation for ever greater expected benefits. But with technology usually comes a learning curve that stands in the way of humans adapting to and adopting technology. Where mass adoption of a technology is targeted, user-friendliness and/or engineered abstraction of the technology itself from the end user have become necessary conditions to fully enjoy the benefits the technology provides.

Our original 6G Vision paper already touched upon the convergence between communication and computing in the 6G era.The present White Paper further dives into how we, at MediaTek, envision 6G will make Ambient Intelligence a reality. A number of use cases and the societal impact we anticipate of AmI are described first, along with the KPIs AmI requires.Then we discuss enabling technologies for AmI, including mechanisms for flexible communication, computation, and caching; device collaboration; implications for the protocol stack; physical layer communication technologies; and integrated sensing and communication.

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