Varactor-Based Tunable Filter Design Using Cadence AWR Design Environment and Modelithics Models

A varactor diode (also known as a varicap diode) is a pn junction diode that has a variable junction capacitance. This junction capacitance varies with respect to the reverse bias voltage applied to the diode. As a result, varactor diodes are commonly used to build RF circuits in which frequency or phase must be adjusted. Such circuits include voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), phase shifters, and tunable filters, among others.

In this application note, we will present the design of a tunable bandpass filter made possible by varactor diodes. This tunable filter is designed using Cadence® AWR Design Environment® combined with Modelithics measurement-based models for all components. All models used in this example are included in the Modelithics COMPLETE Library™. For validation, measured data is compared to the simulated results at the conclusion.

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