ESC Boston 2019

ESC Boston 2019
  • Date: 15 & 16 May, 2019
  • Location:
    Boston, United States
  • Event Type: Conference, Exhibition

Event Overview

The Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) Boston expo/conference is one of the largest showcase events of industry suppliers. Ranging from embedded software and hardware design, connected devices, artificial intelligence and prototyping to IoT, security, interfacing, and sensors, the event provides the chance to get in-person experience with the technologies that can lower costs, increase efficiency, and deliver game-changing designs. The 2019 edition of the eventwill return to New England with a fresh, in-depth educational program designed specifically for the needs of today's embedded systems professionals. With four in-depth tracks, new technical tutorials, and a host of top engineering talent on stage, attendees will get the specialized training needed to create competitive embedded products.