Microwave & RF 2013

Microwave & RF 2013
  • Date: 10 & 11 April 2013
  • Location:
    Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles, Paris, France
  • Event Type: Confrences,Tradeshows & Conventions

Event Overview

Launched in 2012 to meet the demands of actors working in the domain of radiofrequencies, microwaves, wireless and fibre optic, Microwave & RF is a show centred on its market, highly qualitative and professional, but which aims to be friendly and on a human scale. The show gathered nearly 2,400 highly qualified, professional visitors.

As for the year 2013, it will reunite some 90 exhibitors, manufacturers or distributors of products or technologies in the domains of instrumentation and testing, equipment, active and passive components, EMC, as well as design and simulation software and of course, sub-assemblies, systems and sub-contracting.