Microwave & Radar Week 2020

Microwave & Radar Week 2020
  • Date: 5 to 7 October, 2020, 2020
  • Location:
    Warsaw, Poland
  • Event Type: Conference, Exhibition

Event Overview

The 9th Microwave and Radar Week MRW-2020 will take place both Physically in Warsaw, Poland and virtually (Online). The event was originally planned to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania. However, moves its location and date to October 2020.

The event will comprise of four parallel conferences:

  • MIKON-2020 23rd International Microwave and Radar Conference
  • IRS-2020 International Radar Symposium
  • Baltic URSI-2020 Baltic URSI Symposium and
  • SPW-2020 Signal Processing Workshop

The event has moved from May to 5-7 October, 2020. At the physical event they are planning to take all necessary precautions for social distancing, so all physical presentations held at the conference site will be in large meeting rooms. The physical technical program will run in parallel to the virtual event.