CRFS Develops Solution to Monitor Spectrum Across Multiple NATA Military Bases

CRFS Develops Solution to Monitor Spectrum Across Multiple NATA Military Bases

CRFS has developed a new solution that allows a NATO member to monitor the spectrum of multiple locations from one central location, helping them achieve spectrum dominance across multiple military bases.

PROBLEM: Spectrum Managers Stretched to the Limit

Experienced spectrum managers at airbases have multifaceted roles that extend beyond spectrum monitoring. They must ensure all equipment for troops entering the theater is operating on the correct frequency, investigate and resolve interference issues, plan strategic spectrum usage, coordinate with international partners, and develop policy recommendations.

However, there is a shortage of highly skilled military spectrum managers, most of whom have a heavy workload and are spread thinly across multiple airbases. A lack of sufficient personnel combined with reactive spectrum monitoring techniques – searching for problems by driving around with handheld spectrum analyzers – can compromise security and operations.

This NATO member wanted to support highly stretched spectrum managers by automating time-consuming and manual tasks, reporting to improve spectrum awareness, and ensuring full situational awareness. They wanted a solution that works 24/7/365 – that never forgets to carry out tasks and never gets tired.

SOLUTION: A Distributed Sensor Network Controlled From a Central Location

This NATO partner installed a network of RFeye Nodes (fit-and-forget hardware) from CRFS around multiple airbases, creating small monitoring networks that can be joined together to create a large operating theater. Locally, the networks were used for air traffic control, spectrum monitoring, and ground-based air defense.

As the RF receivers can be operated remotely, the Air Force could concentrate its expert spectrum managers in one central location, which acted as a central nervous system for multiple air bases.

Despite the relatively limited number of experts, by using specialist software the NATO partner could scale operations without having to scale the personnel. It used RFeye Site software for real-time spectrum monitoring, EW target acquisition, and geolocation and RFeye Mission Manager software for automated spectrum management.

In addition to a fixed network of RFeye Nodes, the NATO partner invested in several CRFS Stormcases to carry out spectrum vigilance through tactical deployments.

RESULT: Spectrum Dominance

The combination of fixed and tactical deployable RFeye Nodes, as well as remote and automated capabilities, allowed this NATO partner to actively monitor spectrum operations and threat targets in real-time at each operating base from one central location.

Centralizing and automating operations reduced the amount of expertise required and provided three key capabilities:

  • Daily monitoring to ensure spectrum cleanliness for air operations;
  • Checking EMSO with inbound and outbound units;
  • Ground-based air defense capabilities, acting as early warning protection against drones and missiles.

The NATO partner achieved spectrum dominance across their entire network of airbases – identifying problems before they become security risks and ensuring spectrum cleanliness for operations.

Click here to learn more about CRFS Spectrum Monitoring Solutions.

Publisher: everything RF


  • Country: United Kingdom
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