ANOISON Electronics Introduces Cost-Effective Rugged & Flexible Test Cables up to 110 GHz

ANOISON Electronics Introduces Cost-Effective Rugged & Flexible Test Cables up to 110 GHz

ANOISON Electronics has developed PT test cables that offer maximum ruggedness using a high-quality raw cable, connector, and smart armoring module, thereby resulting in a top-grade cabling solution. These cables are cost-effective and can withstand multiple flexure cycles during operation up to 110 GHz.

While most test cables in the market perform well in pulling and crushing, they often get damaged due to frequent twisting and bending at the cable end. A great test cable must be durable - Anoison has addressed this issue, by making sure that the PT cable can withstand frequent twisting and bending over the long term. The PT cable can easily undergo 20,000 bending tests; PT18 even passes an extreme test of 100,000 bending cycles (we called it the “snake test”) while maintaining stable insertion loss (IL).

A great test cable should also be versatile. Many people follow the trend of using costly bulky Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) cables without questioning why. While ruggedness is essential, using such large VNA cables for indoor testing only makes sense in specific situations. Through extensive testing, Anoison has proven that the compact-style PT cable can cover all indoor test applications without compromising durability, stability, and versatility. The bulk of traditional VNA (OD 24 mm) cables often do not work in small distance/high density test environments where the minimum port center-to-port center is as small as 9.2 mm, while the PT test cables are a perfect fit.

PT cables are available in multiple configurations up to 110 GHz: PT-N/PT-35/PT-24/PT-29/PT-18/PT-13/PT-10. 

ANOISON also offers special miniNMD connectors that maintain the same interface and ruggedness as traditional NMD connectors, but are more compact.

PT Cables Up to 70 GHz

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Excellent flexing endurance (snake bending)
  2. Excellent bending on cable end ability
  3. Super twist resistance, no damage
  4. miniNMD connectors are available
  5. IEEE colored codes are also available

Characteristics of PT Test Cables Up to 70 GHz

Assembly Typical Phase Stability and Amplitude Stability

PT Cables from 90 GHz to 110 GHz

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Excellent flexing endurance (snake bending)
  2. Excellent bending-on-cable-end ability (5000 minimum)
  3. Super twist resistance, no damage
  4. Ruggedized 1 mm female is available for 110 GHz PT test cable
  5. IEEE colored codes are also available.

Characteristics of PT Test Cables from 90 GHz to 110 GHz

 Assembly Phase Stability and Amplitude Stability

Click here learn more about more Cable Assemblies from ANOISON Electronics.

Publisher: everything RF