Scientific Microwave Introduces 2-Port Waveguide Filter Isolator Assembly

Scientific Microwave Introduces 2-Port Waveguide Filter Isolator Assembly

Scientific Microwave Corporation (SMC), a manufacturer of passive microwave and millimeter wave components and subsystems for military, space, and commercial applications, has introduced a 2-port filter isolator assembly that is specifically engineered to precisely control the direction of RF signal flow. Offering high levels of rejection and isolation, this WR-62 assembly is suitable for applications demanding both of these requirements, which include antenna feeding networks, radar systems, and power amplifiers. These applications require precise and dependable RF signal control to achieve optimal system performance and efficiency.

Isolation and Out-of-Band Rejection Performance vs. Frequency

This filter isolator assembly consists of a passband filter, a triple crossguide coupler, a pressure window, and an isolator, making this device exhibit advanced functionality to meet demanding the RF signal management requirements. The filter has a passband from 16.60 to 16.80 GHz and provides an out-of-band rejection of 30 dB to enhance signal integrity while the isolator offers an isolation of 30 dB to protect the input from signal reflections. This assembly has a passband insertion loss of 1.2 dB.

Furthermore, the compact crossguide coupler supports multiple outputs and allows different levels of signal sampling and power level management within the system. This assembly can handle a CW input power of up to 40 W.

This filter isolator assembly is available in a housing with an SMA (male) input connector and Square-grooved waveguide output interface (with through holes). It complies with RoHS standards to ensure high reliability. 

Click here to learn more about this new 2-port filter isolator assembly.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   WaveguideFilterCouplerIsolator