ATEK MIDAS Showcases RF Amplifiers and Switched Filter Bank Products at EuMW 2024

ATEK MIDAS Showcases RF Amplifiers and Switched Filter Bank Products at EuMW 2024

ATEK MIDAS is showcasing three new products at this year’s European Microwave Week (EuMW) in Paris. Products showcased include the ATEK656N5 – a switchable filter bank, ATEK169P3 – a low noise amplifier, and ATEK563P5 – a power amplifier. ATEK MIDAS also highlighted their roadmap of switchable and digitally bandwidth-adjustable filter bank development from 0.4 to 20 GHz at the event.

Key Features of the Products

ATEK656N5: This model is a sub-octave switchable filter bank that covers the frequency range from 2 to 18 GHz. This filter bank consists of an SP6T switch followed by 6 fixed frequency band pass filters, which are then followed by another SP6T switch. It has a passband insertion loss of 7.5 dB and both the RF input and outputs are internally-matched to 50 Ohms. Click here to learn more.

ATEK169P3: This model is a wideband low noise amplifier covering the LF to 8 GHz frequency range. This amplifier can also be used up to 12 GHz and its operational low frequency range can be extended to lower frequencies by increasing external component values.  ATEK169P3 provides flat gain of 17 dB and low noise figure of 1.3 dB over wideband with single supply voltage. This allows users to easily realize wideband receiver frontends.

This amplifier is housed in a compact 3×3 mm low cost SMD package and both the input and output ports are matched to 50 ohms, internally. Click here to learn more.

ATEK563P5: This model is a wideband power amplifier that operates from 0.2 to 24 GHz. This amplifier delivers a saturated output power of 29 dBm with a gain of 14.1 dB. It has an insertion loss of 11.2 dB and provides an output P1dB of 27 dBm. This power amplifier offers flat gain response over wideband with a self-biased positive supply voltage. This allows users to easily realize wideband receiver front ends.

This power amplifier is housed in a 5x5 mm low-cost SMD package with internally matched input and output ports.

Visit ATEK MIDAS's booth in Paris to learn more about their products and developments. Click here to view everything RF's comprehensive coverage of EuMW 2024.

Publisher: everything RF