CRFS Introduces 18 GHz Portable Spectrum Recorder

CRFS has introduced a new RFeye Portable Recording system capable of capturing, recording and analyzing wideband RF spectrum up to 18 GHz (Available in 8 GHz and 18 GHz configurations).

Applications for this solution include monitoring the spectrum at critical sites such as ranges and airfields. It can be used for Electronic Warfare applications to capture and recognize different pulse signatures and for understanding the RF environment in a region.

The compact RFeye Portable Recorder weighs less than 3 kg and has been designed for use in the field or on the bench. It captures to disk full line-rate 16 bit I/Q data at up to 100 MHz instantaneous bandwidth. The powerful RFeye DeepView signal browser and analysis software enables the multi-terabytes of captured data to be searched and analyzed fast and efficiently.

The heart of the unit is the RFeye Nexus 100 MHz IBW receiver which has outstanding phase noise, noise figure and sweep speed along with the new Intel Thunderbolt 3 technology and high speed SSD technology to enable full-rate accurate recordings, even at a 100 MHz bandwidth. The system is modular and comes with 8 GHz and 18 GHz receiver modules with matched SSD storage modules of up to 6.4 TB each. The Thunderbolt 3 connectivity allows up to 6 modules to be simultaneously connected to a single laptop allowing for multi-channel deployments.

The RFeye DeepView software enables management and cataloguing of massive data sets with advanced tools for analysis, visualization and spectrum reconstruction. True high-fidelity record and playback of all RF spectrum events will enable forensic post-analysis on huge data sets and reconstruction of any signal/event happening in the data set, as well as retrospective Geolocation missions.

The Portable Recorder product will be formally launched during the upcoming AOC EW Europe 2017 event in London on June 7th. CRFS is currently engaged in evaluations of the Portable Recorder with lead customers and will be taking orders for delivery in 3 months.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Spectrum Recording


  • Country: United Kingdom
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