Interview with Tim Lee about IMS2020

  • Timothy “Tim” Lee - General Chair, IMS2020

IMS2020, the IEEE MTT-S annual RF/Microwave event, which was originally scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, CA from 21-26 June 2020, was transformed into a virtual event and rescheduled to take place from 4-6 August 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. To tell users more about this new event format, everything RF Interviewed Tim Lee, the IMS2020, General Chair.

Below is our full interview with Tim regarding the upcoming IMS2020 event,

Q. Can you tell us more about the format of the Online Conference?

Tim Lee: The IMS2020 virtual event, scheduled for 4-6 August, is a combination of three days of live plenary talks, panels, a 5G Summit and other networking sessions. IMS2020 will include a mixture of livestreamed and pre-recorded sessions. Keynotes, panel sessions and the 5G Summit will be livestreamed, while technical papers, MicroApps, industry workshops and technical lecture presentations will be pre-recorded and available in an on-demand format. Live events will also be recorded and then added to the on-demand platform. The livestreamed events will take place 4-6 August, 2020 with the on-demand platform available until 30 September, 2020.

Q. Can you tell us about the Keynote Session?

Tim Lee: This year’s event will include four keynote sessions from the best and brightest within the microwave and RF industry. Keynotes include:

1.) Talk Title: Is the third wave coming in CMOS RF?

Thomas Cho, Executive Vice President, Head of Infra & Design Technology Center at Samsung

2.) Talk Title: The Flexible Future of RF

Ali Hajimiri, Bren Professor of Electrical Engineering and Medical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology

3.) Talk Title: Can Digital Technologies Really Change the World?

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union

4.) Talk Title: The Road Ahead for Quantum Computing

Hartmut Neven, Engineering Director, Google AI Quantum Team

Q. Who will be able to access the conference online?

Tim Lee: Anyone is welcome to join IMS’ virtual conference, but registration is required. Only registered attendees will be able to access the virtual event, on demand content and exhibition. While IMS’ virtual exhibition is free to attend, pricing for the virtual technical conference is as follows:

  • MTT Member: Free
  • IEEE Member: $200
  • Non-Member: $350
  • IEEE Student Member: $100
  • Student Non- Member: $200

IMS is also offering a Corporate Registration option, which includes unlimited registrations for $4,000. Interested parties can learn more by contacting IMS’ Registration Manager, Nannette Jordan, at [email protected].

Q. Can Users Still Submit Papers for the online conference?

Tim Lee: IMS is no longer accepting paper submissions. Selected papers have been notified via email and are required to submit slides and a video presentation.

Q. Are there any parts of the conference that will not take place or have been canceled?

Tim Lee: While specific presentations have changed, IMS’ main events remain the same. These include technical sessions, technical lectures, panel sessions, 5G Summit, industry workshops, MicroApps, and a virtual exhibition.

Q. When will the IMS 2020 Exhibition take place?

Tim Lee: The IMS Exhibition will take place from 4-6 August, 2020 in a virtual format. Due to the global nature of the event, the virtual exhibition will be accessible to all users from 9:00 to 21:00 PT each day, with the following times focused on specific geographical regions:

  • 09:00 - 13:00 PDT (Europe focused)
  • 13:00 - 17:30 PDT (US focused)
  • 17:30 - 21:00 PDT (Asia focused)

Q. Can you tell us more about the format of the Virtual IMS Exhibition?

Tim Lee: The virtual event includes an opportunity for attendees to interact with an estimated 200 exhibitors through the exhibit portal. The exhibition will offer live interaction between exhibitors and attendees on 4-6 August, followed by continued on-demand exhibitor information through 30 September.

Q. What will an online booth consist of? Can you give us some information on this?

Tim Lee: Companies’ online booths will include the following information and features:

  • Company description
  • Booth staff list
  • Links to the company’s website
  • Product category tags, which will allow attendees to search by product type
  • Videos
  • Chat feature to speak with company spokespeople

Exhibitors with virtual booths will also benefit from unique features, such as:

  • Lead Collection
  • Visitor Views
  • Access to sponsorship programs
  • Access to “Round-Table” discussions

Q. Why should users visit the virtual booth? How will it be different from visiting the companies’ website? What will users be able to do at the virtual booth?

Tim Lee: While a company’s website might offer similar basic information (product information, social media links, videos, company information), the advantages of the virtual booths are:

  • Close links to the technical content offered. The technical content is not available anywhere else and offers a seamless transition from paper content to related exhibitor product offerings.
  • During “exhibit hours,” there is live chat interaction with booth staff in the “showcase” functions and one-on-one meetings. Exhibitors may also present in “Round-Table” discussions/presentations, which allow for an open discussion with and between customers.
  • Exhibitors are able to collect leads from attendees, as well as contact visitors to their booths.

Q. Can you tell us more about how users will be able to interact with companies online through the Virtual Exhibition?

Tim Lee: During “exhibit hours,” there is live chat interaction with booth staff in the “showcase” functions and one-on-one meetings. Exhibitors are encouraged to have executives, engineers, application engineers, sales staff and product marketing representatives available in their booths during exhibit hours. Exhibit hours are also staggered to attempt to accommodate attendees from Asia, Europe and the US (see above). Exhibitors may also present in “Round-Table” discussions/presentations, which allow for an open discussion with and between customers.

Q. How many exhibitors are participating virtually at IMS 2020?

Tim Lee: IMS2020 will feature more than 200 exhibitors, including some of the biggest names in microwave and RF industry – such as Analog Devices, Qorvo and Keysight Technologies.

Q. How many visitors do you expect to attend the virtual?

Tim Lee: This year’s virtual event is expected to draw more than 10,000 visitors.

Click here to learn more about IMS2020.

About Timothy Lee

Timothy “Tim” Lee has served on the event’s Technical Program Committee for the last six years. With more than 26 years of experience, he is an internationally recognized technologist in the development of microwave/millimeter-wave GaAs and InP ICs and MMIC-based modules. He is very active in the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society where he is serving on the Administrative Committee as chair of the Electronic Information Committee, Society Webmaster and member of the Long Range Planning Committee.

Previously, he has held technical/managerial positions at Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems, Hughes Space and Communications, MA-COM, Microwave Signal, Inc. and COMSAT Laboratories. He currently serves on the Boeing External Technical Affiliation Committee to foster the Boeing / IEEE relationship for mutual benefit. Timothy Lee received his SBEE and SMEE degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1981 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA. He has authored or co-authored over 30 technical journal and conference papers in the fields of microwave active components and sub-systems.