Multiport Network Analysis Solution for MIMO Antennas and 5G Applications

Multiport Network Analysis Solution for MIMO Antennas and 5G Applications

Copper Mountain Technologies has launched a customizable multiport network analysis solution for MIMO antennas and other 5G applications. RNVNA has been built on the capabilities of CMT 1-Port USB vector network analyzers.

RNVNA links up to 16 analyzers together into a multiport network analysis system, allowing users to measure vector reflection and scalar transmission parameters. RNVNA is compatible with all Copper Mountain Technologies’ 1-Port USB VNAs with frequency ranges up to 6 GHz (R60), 14 GHz (R140), and 18 GHz (R180).

The RNVNA software allows users to manage multiple 1-Port VNAs performing required measurements. A free demo version of the RNVNA software for systems using up to three 1-Port VNAs can be downloaded here.

The RNVNA solution incorporates shelving for mounting the VNAs. Each shelf is designed to fit a 19-inch rack mounting system and can house up to eight VNAs. Frequency and trigger synchronizing devices are offered as options to increase measurement speed.

RNVNA is an effective multiport analysis solution for MIMO antenna arrays in applications such as manufacturing, 5G, and more. RNVNA users are able to measure resonance frequency and isolation in antenna arrays to confirm that their antenna setup is operating at the desired frequency range and achieving proper isolation. The system is able to make these crucial measurements at a significantly faster speed than traditional multiport VNA solutions which require RF switch matrices to cover the extra ports.

Click here to read more about RNVNA.

Publisher: everything RF