New 5G FR1 Low Profile Antenna for Industrial IoT & Smart Cities

New 5G FR1 Low Profile Antenna for Industrial IoT & Smart Cities

PCTEL, a leading global provider of wireless technology, has introduced a new low-profile vertical antenna (BMLPV5000) for 5G FR1 wireless networks that operates from 600 MHz to 6 GHz.

The BMLPV5000 supports the high-speed requirements of complex RF communication systems required for 5G FR1 network deployments in smart city applications, including machine-to-machine communication, transportation network infrastructure, smart energy networks, and small cells installations. It is housed in a rugged and compact radome, making it ideal for indoor or outdoor applications requiring a discrete antenna solution.

Rishi Bharadwaj, PCTEL’s Chief Operating Officer, commented that their 5G wireless solutions enhance the efficiency of communication networks supporting a variety of applications in industrial process automation and smart cities. The new BMLPV5000 is part of their complete portfolio of RF efficient and rugged antenna solutions designed to support the complex challenges in Industrial IoT communications.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Antenna5GIIoT


  • Country: United States
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