Significant FEM Simulation Speed Increase in Latest 3-D EM Simulation Platform by Keysight

EMProKeysight Technologies has announced the latest release of Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro) software, its 3-D electromagnetic simulation software. This new version EMPro 2015.01 offers a number of new capabilities to reduce simulation time and increase design efficiency.

The most notable enhancement in EMPro 2015.01 is a speed improvement to its Finite Element Method (FEM) simulator that reduces by half, on average, the time it takes for simulations that exceed two minutes. Furthermore, the simulator now features improved FEM mesh performance and efficiency for large designs, along with increased robustness and capacity.

“With time-to-market cycles continuing to shrink, faster simulation speed has become essential,” said Marc Petersen, electromagnetic and electrothermal simulation software product manager at Keysight Technologies. “Our newest EMPro software provides designers the capabilities they need to address this challenge head on. By speeding FEM simulation, it allows designers to more efficiently perform all the simulation they need to ensure better, more robust designs.”

New capabilities and enhancements available in the latest release of EMPro include:

  • A new coaxial port and improved loss tangent modeling for the Finite Difference Time Domain simulator
  • User-defined limit lines, plus speed and usability improvements for better electromagnetic interference analysis
  • A geometry healing/simplification tool, Z-scale controller and frequency plan setup improvements, as well as support for Laird ECCOSORB materials


The EMPro 2015.01 release will be available for download later this month.

You can apply for a trial version at

More information on EMPro 2015.01 is available at

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Software