Sign up for this Webinar to Understand the Math Behind 2-Port VNA Calibration

Sign up for this Webinar to Understand the Math Behind 2-Port VNA Calibration

Copper Mountain Technologies will be conducting a webinar to explain the calibration mathematics of 2-Port VNA. The webinar will be conducted online on November 10, 2021 at 11:30 PM IST.

12 Term error correction may seem daunting, but it isn’t terribly difficult to understand. The mathematics are not as neat as the 1-Port model but are not impossible to deal with in Python or some other programming language. This webinar will attempt to explain 2-Port calibration and where it might go wrong. 

The VNA calibration is intended to remove systematic errors from the instrument hardware and to take into account the presence of any accessories that may have been added to enable specific measurements to be performed at the required frequencies for the measurements.

Click here to register for VNA Master Class: Full 2-Port VNA Calibration Math Explained.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Webinars