Keysight Joins Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance to Help with 5G Development

Keysight Technologies announced that they have joined the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance. As a member of NGMN, they will work closely with the growing community of innovative global mobile network operators, manufacturers and research institutes involved with the development and deployment of 5G.

Unlike today’s mobile radio systems, 5G will bring services that go beyond human-centric applications. Design, simulation and test and measurement tools are crucial for the successful development and deployment of 5G mobile systems in order to economically meet end user expectations. Mobile operators and equipment manufacturers will face new challenges to support a complex ecosystem of connected devices and mobile broadband services. Their goal is to work closely with member companies and institutions to ensure they have the tools they need to deliver the next generation of 5G products and services.

The NGMN Alliance was founded in 2006 by leading international mobile network operators. The objective of the alliance is to ensure the functionality and performance of next generation mobile network infrastructure, service platforms and devices, meet the requirements of operators and ultimately will satisfy end user demand and expectations.

Keysight and Anite offer leading-edge solutions and expertise for the design and measurement of today’s mobile networks and future 5G mobile systems. These solutions include:

Publisher: everything RF