Keysight to Showcase 5G Test Solutions at NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition


Keysight Technologies will demonstrate its leading-edge 5G solutions at the NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from Oct. 12-13. Keysight is a member of Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance, and have been one of the major contributors in the activities of the NGMN 5G Trial & Testing Initiative (5GTTI) group. At the conference, Keysight’s Garrett Lees, senior director of Keysight’s Operator Industry Solutions, will participate in the “5G Trial & Testing Activities” panel discussion.

Keysight is investing strongly in 5G test solutions for mobile operators and their suppliers and we will be demonstrating some of those solutions at the show floor. By playing an active role within the 5G ecosystem and through a close partnership with industry leaders, they want to assist operators to advance their rollout of 5G networks. One example is the capability in their 5G waveform generation and analysis testbed solution which supports several candidate 5G waveforms, including those issued by Verizon Wireless in the latest 5G Technical Forum specifications.

Keysight’s technical experts will demonstrate leading-edge solutions at the exhibition floor. Specific demonstrations include:

EU 5G TRIANGLE End-to-End Testbed - as chairman of the H2020 EU TRIANGLE project, Keysight will showcase end-to-end test house concept, introducing new holistic approach spanning from the mobile app and device to the EPC and the network services and introducing new KPI for new applications and devices benchmarking. The testbed is centered around Keysight E7515A UXM wireless test set, that offers radio access with the flexible capability of creating RAN operational conditions, and the N6705B power analyzer.

Real-Time Beamforming - using synchronous multi-channel stimulus response system, the M8195A arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) as a stimulus, and the M9703B high-speed digitizer/wideband digital receiver as coherent receiver, the demonstration will show real-time beam weighting and demodulation measurement running inside the M9703B FPGA with a measurement algorithm developed using Keysight’s SystemVue software platform.

Virtual drive testing - Keysight’s Anite Virtual Drive Testing Toolset uses network signaling and RF propagation log data captured in the field to recreate a realistic mobile device performance testing environment in the laboratory. The solution enables mobile operators to quickly and cost-effectively benchmark mobile devices and network infrastructure prior to deployment, and to identify and resolve issues found in the field. The toolset uses the Propsim F32 channel emulator to create the industry’s most realistic RF conditions, bridging the gap between lab and field testing.

Keysight also offers a number of leading-edge 5G solutions. At EuMW week held in October, Keysight introduced an industry-leading breakthrough in spectrum and signal analysis at millimeter-wave frequencies. The Keysight N9041B UXA X-Series signal analyzer is the first to provide frequency coverage to 110 GHz with a maximum analysis bandwidth of up to 5 GHz—covering all current and future mmWave scenarios of 5G access and backhaul as well as other applications such as 802.11ad/ay and automotive radar.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5G