Skyworks Releases a Pragmatic Guide to Address Technology Requirements for 5G

Skyworks has released a new white paper, titled 5G in Perspective - A Pragmatic Guide to What's Next. It provides the company's insights into the quickly evolving fifth generation (5G) global telecommunications standard. The paper examines the current state of LTE networks, discusses ways it could evolve to deliver a 5G user experience, and identifies the tools and techniques required to support a 100x improvement in data throughput. Current projections suggest 5G data rates will approach 10 times the fastest 4G speeds of today. Leveraging its technology leadership and broad systems expertise, Skyworks, in partnership with customers and industry standards committees, is playing a critical role in defining next generation solutions to meet these requirements.

This white paper is the first in a series of papers to be released by Skyworks. Click here to download the white paper.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5G