R&S to Exhibit T&M Solutions for the Automotive Industry at Automotive Testing Expo 2017

Rohde & Schwarz will exhibit innovative solutions for testing automotive radars, vehicle-to-vehicle communciations and automotive bus systems, at Automotive Testing Expo (ATE) 2017 in Stuttgart. Under the motto "Driving tomorrow’s mobility", the company will demonstrate its expertise as a reliable partner to the automotive industry. Connected cars utilize a large number of wireless applications that must reliably function in parallel. That is where T&M solutions from Rohde & Schwarz come in.

Test Solutions for Radar

R&S will showcase innovative test solutions for the development and production of automotive radar sensors used in driver assistance systems. One highlight will be the new R&S ATS1000 antenna test system for antennas up into the highest millimeterwave range. The system will be on display as a test solution for automated antenna pattern and power measurements on radar sensors, a solution that delivers precise 3D far-field characterization thanks to the R&S QuickStep test automation software. The system is housed in a portable shielded box, making it ideal for development tasks in the lab and for production environments.

The R&S FSW85 high-end signal and spectrum analyzer will also be on display. Featuring a frequency range from 2 Hz to 85 GHz, it is perfect for analyzing automotive radar sensors designed for frequency bands around 24 GHz and 79 GHz. With a bandwidth of 2 GHz, it can demodulate and comprehensively analyze automotive radar signals using the R&S FSW-K6C analysis software for radar signals.

Visitors can also check out the ARTS9510 turnkey automotive radar target simulator. Designed for development, validation and production testing of automotive radar sensors, it simulates the distance, speed and size of static and dynamic objects. The easy-to-configure instrument can be integrated into test systems and shielded chambers.

Rohde & Schwarz will also present a universal system for testing vehicle keys and their electronic control units within the shielded environment of the R&S TS7124 chamber. Thanks to its modular design, the system can be used to test at the printed board and device level during all product phases – from development to product qualification to mass production. It supports all automotive wireless transmission technologies, including remote keyless entry (RKE), passive entry/passive start (PEPS) and naturally the new time-of-flight (TOF) measurement in both ultrawideband (UWB) and near-field communications via smartphone.

Test Solutions for Networked Vehicles and V2X

WLAN standard IEEE 802.11p (11p, pWLAN) specifies a technology for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. Rohde & Schwarz offers several test solutions for development, certification and coexistence tests. One highlight at ATE will be the first test solution that can be integrated into 11p component and device production processes. Based on the R&S CMW100 turnkey production test platform with the R&S CMWrun sequencer software tool, the integrated test concept is designed for fully automated, high-throughput production environments.

The security of IP-based data communications also plays a critical role in V2X communications. The R&S CMW-KM052 IP connection security analysis reporting module is unique. It uses R&S Cybersecurity software to analyze IP traffic in realtime in a controlled test environment, allowing developers to detect and close security gaps early in the design process. For the analysis, the R&S CMW500 wideband communication tester establishes the wireless connection and functions as a wireless network during IP data communications with the World Wide Web. Just a single test instrument is needed for analyzing RF in cellular and non-cellular networks, protocol tests and IP application tests as well as for analyzing security-relevant parameters for IP data communications.

The testing requirements for automatic car emergency call systems remain a relevant issue, both for the European eCall (mandatory in the EU starting in April 2018) and the Russian ERA-Glonass, which is already in place. Rohde & Schwarz will use the eCall/ERA-Glonass test system, consisting of the R&S CMW500 and the GNSS-capable R&S SMBV100A vector signal generator, to demonstrate its proven solution for standard-compliant, end-to-end testing of eCall/ERA-Glonass modules.

Test Solutions for Vehicle Bus Systems and ECUs

The company will show how its R&S RTO2000 digital oscilloscope in combination with the R&S RT ZVC02/04 multichannel power probe determines the power consumption of electronic control units (ECU) in both standby and wake-up mode. With this setup, developers can configure and correlate current and voltage measurements with other analog test signals and digital bus signals over multiple channels and at a high resolution. The multichannel power probe reads the current and voltage and transmits the readings to the oscilloscope where they are synchronized, e.g. with digital bus signals, and displayed. Within the selected current measurement range, it is possible – without switching – to measure very small quiescent currents in the µA or nA range as well as high current peaks up into the A range. With a bandwidth of 1 MHz and a sampling rate of 5 Msample/s, the probes can even acquire very short current or voltage pulses. The R&S RT-ZVC probe can be used to add up to 16 additional test channels to an R&S RTE or R&S RTO oscilloscope.

Rohde & Schwarz further supports the automotive industry by offering test solutions for automotive Ethernet that are both comprehensive and compact. The company will present compliance test options for the R&S RTO oscilloscopes for 100Base-T1/BroadR-Reach and, for the first time, for 1000Base-T1. 1000Base-T1 allows transmission rates of up to 1 Gbit/s.

For its new R&S RTB2000 digital oscilloscope, Rohde & Schwarz now offers triggering and decoding options that provide cost-effective solutions for design verification, commissioning and troubleshooting of CAN and LIN transmissions. The oscilloscope features a high 10-bit vertical resolution that is unique in this price class, a large 10 Msample memory and a 10.1" touchscreen. The high 20-bit vertical resolution allows users to perform precise measurements, especially on small signals in the presence of strong signals.

The portable R&S Scope Rider RTH oscilloscope is ideal for mobile test applications, e.g. during drive tests. It offers isolated inputs and the functionality and user experience of a modern lab oscilloscope. The compact R&S Scope Rider RTH combines eight test instruments in one and now also offers triggering and decoding solutions for CAN/LIN, CAN-FD and SENT bus signals. All these features combined with easy operation make this handheld oscilloscope ideal for use in the automotive environment.

In the R&S Tech Academy, it's specialists will share their knowledge in five technical workshops that will be held at the Rohde & Schwarz booth. For more information about the R&S Tech Academy and Rohde & Schwarz's exhibit at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe, click here.

 For more information about Rohde & Schwarz’s automotive solutions, click here.

Publisher: everything RF