Keysight Delivers 28 GHz Channel Sounding Solution to NTT Docomo for 5G Research Project

Keysight Technologies has provided a 28 GHz Channel Sounding Solution to Japan’s leading mobile operator, NTT DOCOMO, for a channel sounding research project. This project is part of an ongoing agreement between the two companies to develop next-generation 5G wireless communication systems by conducting channel sounding studies at mmWave frequencies.

5G channel sounding is required to characterize the air interface for the new 5G radio-communication system. It means measuring parameters such as path loss, power delay profile, reflection, and various fading profiles including Doppler shift. It is required to design efficient and robust 5G channel models. Using the Keysight 5G 28 GHz Channel Sounding Solution with wideband MIMO data capture techniques, engineers can measure the angular spread with fewer measurements and improve the resolution of the multi-path parameters.

The current high frequency channel-sounding project uses Keysight’s 28 GHz 5G MIMO channel sounding reference solution. Keysight and NTT DOCOMO recently cooperated on a similar project for the 60 GHz frequency band. Results from the research were shared with the 5G industry to help accelerate the development and deployment of 5G in general (“Scattering Characteristics of the Human Body in 67-GHz Band,” IEICE Transaction on Communications).

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5GResearch