Siklu Helps Leading Mexican ISP Boost Multi-gigabit Capacity in the City of Toluca

Siklu has provided a network of gigabit radios to approximately 1000 homes and business subscribers of Gigamex, a leading Mexican ISP in the City of Toluca.

The main challenge in connecting the network was ensuring enough capacity for the access networks. Due  to saturation in the 5 GHz frequency band in the city center, their previous wireless radios would provide speeds less than 200 Mbps. This prevented Gigamex from integrating new subscribers into their network and expanding their coverage areas in Toluca.

Gigamex searched for an alternative wireless solution that was not affected by the plethora of 5 GHz WiFi APS by operating on a separate, cleaner spectrum. After much research they selected Siklu's mmWave solution that operates in the 70-80 GHz spectrum with over 17 GHz of bandwidth available.

Siklu provided design consultation and utilized its SmartHaul Link Budget Calculator to validate the required link capacity and predicted performance. Twelve (12) point to point radios were installed between the city center and the surrounding mountains within 7 service distribution nodes from their nearby internet POP. The network was deployed across a total coverage area of 30 kilometers, delivering 99.99% availability with each radio boasting 2 Gbps full-duplex capacity. The links were installed and aligned within 2 days and immediately began delivering reliable multigigabit performance.

The reduced cost of acquisition and implementation of the links has resulted in significant savings for the company. The alternate option to grow the network that had been considered was with fiber optics. The cost of a fiber deployment would have been at least 10 times higher than the cost of deploying Siklu’s mmWave links. Moreover, it allowed Gigamex to maintain the install base of customers and target a growth of at least 20% in new subscribers.

According to Eyal Assa, Siklu’s CEO, Gigamex’s service, backhauled by Siklu’s carrier grade solutions will deliver blazing speeds to improve residents and business owner’s lives in Mexico. Siklu’s success in Mexico including Grupo Pinsa and now Gigamex in the city of Toluca serve as examples of the best way to deliver gigabit performance economically in areas with limited fiber deployment.

Publisher: everything RF