Boonton Electronics and Noisecom calibration laboratories are now ISO 17025:2017 certified. The accreditation is the internationally recognized quality standard for calibration and testing laboratories. In order to achieve this accreditation the company had to demonstrate the highest levels of technical competence, quality, and data precision. Both, Boonton Electronics and Noisecom are subsidiaries of the Wireless Telecom Group.
ISO 17025 accreditation is the single most important standard for calibration and testing laboratories around the world. Achieving ISO 17025 Calibration Laboratory Accreditation demonstrates commitment and responsiveness to the increased demands of customers. The accreditation independently affirms that Boonton Electronics and Noisecom demonstrate the technical proficiency and ability for the highest quality calibration results for high performance RF test instrumentation.
The Wireless Telecom Group continues to invest the resources necessary into the processes and procedures that will deliver consistent, high-quality products. In addition to achieving ISO 17025 accreditation, Wireless Telecom Group recently completed its annual ISO 9001:2015 certification audit, reaffirming the company’s commitment to peak performance and customer responsiveness ensuring the highest levels of customer satisfaction.