mm-Wave Scanning Solution from R&S Helps Edinburgh Airport Win an Award

Edinburgh Airport along with Rohde & Schwarz has been awarded the Best Solution Provider award at the 2018 AOA Awards for improving passenger experience and security through the installation of new scanners. The AOA is the national organization for UK airports.

Edinburgh Airport installed three R&S QPS200 scanners in its main search area in March 2018 following a successful pilot project. The scanners were an instant hit with passengers and staff, halved the time taken to complete a scan and doubled the clear scan rate. Staff particularly welcome the high clear rate and have confidence that if the scanner flags up a concern there is something there to find. Edinburgh Airport is in the process of upgrading to the newly introduced R&S QPS201, which is twice as fast and much smaller, and was Highly Commended in the Best Innovator category at the AOA Awards.

The R&S QPS is a state-of-the-art millimeter-wave security scanner that automatically detects potentially dangerous items carried on the body or in clothing. The scanner can be used for airport security checks, security at public events with a high threat potential and access control at security-related facilities

The UK Department for Transport would eventually like 100% of passengers to be automatically scanned. Edinburgh Airport believes that, with Rohde & Schwarz’ help, the airport is well prepared for this requirement without extended times and queues.

Publisher: everything RF