Keysight Accelerates Design & Test of Antenna in Package Technology

Keysight Accelerates Design & Test of Antenna in Package TechnologyKeysight and Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE), have come together to improve the design and test validation efficiency of antenna in package (AiP) technology development and to accelerate the pace of new technology innovation. 

In response to heterogeneous integrated RF front-end modules for emerging wireless communication technologies like 5G and autonomous driving, Antenna in Package (AiP) has become one of the focuses of the advanced sealing and testing industry. Integrating all the high-frequency components together with the baseband circuitry into a module and ensuring proper operating is not easy. Ensuring test validation for these complex packages is a major issue. For example, it always takes time to change adaptors, measurement settings, remove fixture factors, etc. Also, correlating the measurement data with end customers worldwide is also important. 

ASE, a worldwide provider of semiconductor manufacturing services in assembly and test, successfully used Keysight’s PNA-based solutions, including S93007B Automatic Fixture Removal and S93460B True-Mode Stimulus, to develop a leading-edge AiP measurement system that improves testing efficiency. This enabled ASE to accelerate commercial readiness of AiP development and validation services.

The frequency of Keysight PNA and PNA-X network analyzer starts from 900 Hz and can be extended up to 1.5 THz. Offering best-in-class measurement integrity and high repeatability helps customers transform advanced designs into competitive products. The S93460B integrated true-mode stimulus application (iTMSA) provides mismatch-corrected true differential and true common stimulus and enables accurate balanced measurements under real operating conditions. The S93007B adds a powerful application wizard to guide users through characterizing a fixture and removing it from the measurement.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Packaging