The ISP5261 from Insight SIP is a 2.4/5 GHz Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, 802.15.4, Matter and Thread Combo Module. It is based on the NXP RW612 single-chip Wi-Fi/Bluetooth LE/802.15.4 wireless MCU System on Chip (SoC) and has an integrated 32-bit ARM Cortex-M33 CPU running at 260 MHz. This module supports Bluetooth Low Energy 5.3 Long Range and Wi-Fi Coexistence. It requires a DC supply of 3.3 V and consumes less than 576 mA of current. This module supports low power consumption and advanced power management that enables battery lifetimes of up to several months on AA batteries. It is ideal for low-power Wi-Fi connections, IoT router connections, and Thread-Matter-router bridge applications.
The Wi-Fi communication of this module is compliant with the Wi-Fi Alliance specifications for Wi-Fi 6 including the following protocols: IEEE 802.11ax/ac/n/a/g/b/e/i/k/v/w. The Bluetooth LE connectivity is compliant with Bluetooth 5.3, enabling Long Range. This module’s Bluetooth LE section can be used either in peripheral or central roles and can handle up to 16 simultaneous central/peripheral connections. It has an 802.15.4-2015 radio that operates at 2.4 GHz and offers support of Matter over Thread and 128-bit AES security.
The ISP5261 includes 4 MB of QSPI flash memory, 1.2 MB SRAM as well as analog and digital peripherals. It has integrated decoupling capacitors, 40 MHz crystal for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE, 32.768 kHz crystal for low power timing, DC-DC converters, RF matching circuits, and a dual-band antenna. The MCU supports TrustZone technology and is protected by a PUF (Physically Unclonable Function). It delivers a Tx output power of up to 21 dBm and has an Rx sensitivity of up to -108.5 dBm. This module is available in a compact package that measures 12 x 12 x 1.8 mm and can be controlled via USB, QSPI, UART, I²S, PDM, and PWM interfaces.