Z Power Resistors High Power and High Frequency Without Compromise

The  need  for  resistors  with  both  high  frequency  performance  and  high  power  handling  capability  is  growing.  In  most  cases, the smaller the resistor, the better performance at high frequencies. At the same time, the larger the resistor, the better the thermal properties are.  Many designers are making compromises when both power and performance matter. IMS has solved this dilemma with an innovative resistor that offers the best of both worlds called “Z Power resistors”.  The Z Power device is offered as a termination or as a feed through component. The terminal styles are available in SZG (Single Wrap to Ground) suitable  for  use  as  a  traditional  termination,  EZW  (Extended  Wrap)  used  commonly  as  an  SMT  style  termination  and  WZA (Wrap Around) used as a feed through load.

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