AiRANACULUS Wins Contract to Improve Resilience, and Efficiency of NASA Communications Systems

AiRANACULUS Wins Contract to Improve Resilience, and Efficiency of NASA Communications Systems

AiRANACULUS, a private, Massachusetts-based technology company providing early-stage research, development, prototyping, and consulting services, announced that it has received a Phase II NASA contract for a prototype network to optimize mission operations.

Under its new contract, AiRANACULUS will demonstrate a first-of-its-kind, RF policy-based routing platform to improve the performance, resilience, and efficiency of NASA communications systems. The company’s solution, INSPIRE, leverages 5G Network Slicing features to create logically separate, application-specific tunnels across multiple network paths, enabling robust and secure communications. The new routing engine will be integrated with the spectrum and network situational awareness capabilities from AiRANACULUS to maximize application performance and optimize overall network operation. The INSPIRE solution is also applicable in a broad range of commercial environments, such as Smart Transportation and Manufacturing systems, that operate in complex RF environments.

The NASA contract was awarded under the U.S. government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program which encourages small business engagement in Federal research and development projects with potential for commercialization. Project and vendor selection are determined by individual participating Federal agencies based on the scientific and technical merit and commercial potential of each project. Phase II projects are focused on the development and demonstration of working prototypes of specific solution platforms, along with documentation of development, capabilities, measurements, and tools.

Click here to learn about AiRANACULUS Intelligent RF and Networking Solutions.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Satellite5G