New Version of Keysight’s SystemVue Software Delivers 5G Design Library

SystemVueKeysight Technologies has released a new version of its premier system-level electronic design automation software, SystemVue 2015.01. The release delivers the industry’s first commercial 5G simulation reference library, as well as direct integration of MATLAB Script from the MathWorks. SystemVue 2015.01 now enables 5G technology research, and increases productivity for system architects and baseband physical layer (PHY) designers working on additional wide bandwidth applications such as satellite communications and electronic warfare.

Keysight’s W1907BP 5G Forward Baseband Verification Library Bundle enables 4G designers to start anticipating 5G challenges today and continue forward into the final standard using a single configuration. The bundle combines existing 4G references for LTE-Advanced and the 3D WINNER+ MIMO channel model with forward-looking references for 5G PHY candidates, beginning with a full transmit/receive reference for Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC). It also adds legacy support for 2G/3G standards.

The W1907BP was recently shown at Mobile World Congress in connected instrument and channel sounding demonstrations. The W1906BEL, a source code exploration library for 5G, is also available. Supported SystemVue users will receive additional 5G algorithmic references as they are released, and transition naturally to the final standard at a later date.

SystemVue 2015.01 also integrates MATLAB Script. The capability enables algorithm modeling, debugging and scripting from within the SystemVue user interface.

SystemVue 2015 Enhancements

  • Using SystemVue 2015.01, algorithm modelers can work directly on PHY designs in language-based (MATLAB, C++ or HDL) or graphical blocks, and then connect to accurate RF models, standards-based IP references, and test and measurement assets.
  • The SystemVue 2015.01 release delivers several other enhancements, including:
  • A FPGA programming connection to the Keysight M9703A real-time wideband 8-channel digitizer. View Videos.
  • RF system-level EVM budget analysis and AM/PM support (W1719)
  • Reference receivers and EVM/BER support for 25 modulation formats that are useful for satellite and military communications (W1902)
  • 3D EM antenna pattern import from EMPro, for realistic phased-array radar beamforming (W1905), along with native 3D visualization
  • Support for recently announced Keysight test instruments, including the 65 Gsa/sec M8195A AWG, the 510-MHz wide N9040B UXA signal analyzer, and MIMO configurations of the M9381A/M9391A

U.S. Pricing and Availability

Keysight’s SystemVue 2015.01 (including the W1907BP 5G Forward library bundle) is now available for download at Pricing starts at approximately $17,687. A free, 30-day evaluation copy is available at

Publisher: everything RF