MathWorks Launches WLAN System Toolbox for MATLAB

Matworks-WLANMathWorks has introduced a WLAN System Toolbox, that provides standard-compliant functions for the design, simulation, analysis, and testing of wireless LAN communications systems. The WLAN System Toolbox expands capabilities of MATLAB for wireless development by providing configurable physical layer waveforms for IEEE 802.11ac and 802.11b/a/g/n standards. The system toolbox provides reference designs to enable exploration of baseband specifications, and demodulate and recover signals. Users can also study the effects of RF designs and interference sources on system performance.

This WLAN Toolbox enables designers to focus on designing unique IP, instead of spending time creating reference models and generating test signals. With the successful introduction of LTE System Toolbox, they have seen great demand for similar capabilities for the WLAN market.

The WLAN System Toolbox delivers these capabilities for WLAN system designers and test engineers. It provides MATLAB source code, allowing engineers to customize algorithms and analyses. The toolbox also generates unencrypted, hardware-independent waveforms for simulation and over-the-air testing.

WLAN System Toolbox provides:

- End-to-end system simulation and algorithm development

A golden reference for design verification

Measurement and analysis of system performance

Over-the-air waveform transmission and reception with software-defined radios and RF instruments

C-code generation support

Pricing and Availability

This toolbox is available worldwide. More information on this can be seen at

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SoftwareWi-FiWLAN