R&S Mobile Network Testing Solution Integrates Samsung Galaxy S8 Smartphones

Samsung S8Rohde & Schwarz is first mobile network testing solutions provider to completely integrate Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphones into its comprehensive product portfolio for testing the cellular ecosystem, from RF to QoE. After the initial integration into R&S ROMES4 Drive Test Software earlier this year, R&S MNT has now completed the full integration of the new Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ smartphones into its complete portfolio of mobile network testing solutions. With the full integration into its QualiPoc, Benchmarker, and Freerider products, R&S MNT enables operators and service providers to test and measure Quality of Experience (QoE) from a true end-user perspective, including video, voice, and apps.

With the very fast and complete integration of the Galaxy S8, SwissQual AG, a Rohde & Schwarz company is offering their customers a competitive edge and support in testing and optimizing forward-thinking features and technologies, including 4x4 MIMO, from a true end-user perspective. Also, the integration perfectly complements their 4x4 MIMO network scanner test solution for a comprehensive view of the RF environment. Offering both views, QoE and RF, is of great value to top tier operators who have been investing immensely in infrastructure to meet the growing need for more capacity, triggered by the data explosion and increased subscriber penetration.

Initial shipments to priority customers are planned within the next few weeks. To satisfy the market’s high demand, R&S MNT continues to integrate the various models into its customized solutions for mobile network testing. Click here to learn more about R&S Mobile Network Testing Solutions.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & Measurement