Harris Delivers Navigation Payload for Lockheed Martin GPS III Satellite for US Air Force

Harris Corporation has now delivered the third of 10 advanced navigation payloads for Lockheed Martin’s U.S. Air Force GPS III satellites. The advanced navigation payloads meant for increasing accuracy, signal power and jamming resistance of the satellites, feature a Mission Data Unit (MDU) with a unique 70-percent digital design that links atomic clocks, radiation-hardened computers and powerful transmitters – enabling signals three times more accurate than those on current GPS satellites. The new payloads also boost satellite signal power, increase jamming resistance by eight times and help extend the satellite’s lifespan.

The payload is expected to be integrated into the GPS III Space Vehicle 3 (GPS III SV03) this summer. In May, Harris’ second GPS III navigation payload was integrated into the GPS III SV02. The first navigation payload is integrated aboard the GPS III SV01, which has now completed rigorous testing and is in storage awaiting its expected 2018 launch. Harris is also now in full production and on target to deliver the fourth GPS III navigation payload to Lockheed Martin this fall.

Harris has a long legacy of expertise in creating and sending GPS signals, extending back to the mid-‘70s – providing navigation technology for every U.S. GPS satellite ever launched. It is also developing a fully digital MDU for the U.S. Air Force’s GPS III Space Vehicles 11+ acquisition. This new MDU will be demonstrated in fall 2017 and provides even greater flexibility, affordability and accuracy versus existing GPS satellites.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Satellite