R&S to Showcase System Solutions for Armed Forces at DSEI 2017

Rohde & Schwarz (R&S) will be exhibiting its latest secure communications and intelligence systems at the upcoming Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) 2017 in London. The company’s innovative portfolio will include interoperable, powerful communications systems for deployment on land, in the air and at sea. Another highlight on display will be the R&S ELINT solution for detecting, monitoring and analyzing radar signals. The event is scheduled from September 12 - 15, 2017 in London.

R&S offers secure communications solutions that provide interoperability as well as national information superiority for all branches of the armed forces. The Munich based technology group’s advanced software defined radios (SDR) make an important contribution toward modernizing the German Armed Forcesʹ mobile tactical communications systems.

In June 2017, the company was awarded a contract from the German Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) to equip 50 command and control vehicles with the joint radio system for the German Armed Forces. This system, which is also known as SVFuA, is the first pillar in the MoTaKo modernization project for digitizing mobile tactical communications within the German Armed Forces. As part of this forward-looking project, Rohde & Schwarz for the first time ported diverse existing waveforms to the radios, based on the internationally established software communications architecture (SCA).

Effective operational communications require that national interests be protected. At the same time, the various branches of the armed forces and various nations must be able to communicate with one another. Secure communications is made possible by deploying innovative waveforms that enable the use of modern IP technology. R&S created the R&S HDR high data rate, jam-resistant family of waveforms to match a variety of mission scenarios and to provide simultaneous voice and data communications.

In combination with the advanced software defined radios from R&S, system solutions are obtained that deliver mobile tactical communications in network centric operations for individual soldiers as well as vehicular, naval and airborne platforms.

At the event, also on display will be R&S NAVICS – the first system to take advantage of commercially available IT technologies for internal and external naval communications. It is an IP-based, scalable, easy-to-operate solution. It serves as the backbone for voice and data communications on all classes of ships. The British Royal Navy equips its Type 26 Global Combat Ships (GCS) with this system.

Another highlight will be an ELINT system developed by R&S to increase the effectiveness of R-ESM systems. Created with a focus on user-friendliness and comprehensive functionality, the system is optimized for detecting, monitoring and analyzing modern radar signals. It was designed to handle challenging signal scenarios and has already proven itself in operation, especially in acquiring weak and LPI signals in dense signal environments and analyzing state-of-the-art multifunctional radars with complex signal structures. The system’s hardware and software are closely harmonized and ensure consistent operation from signal acquisition to updating national databases. The innovative ELINT system is modular, scalable and can be used on a variety of platforms. It is already deployed by major European countries.

Rohde & Schwarz will also be showcasing its COMINT/C-ESM solutions, which can be fully customized to meet the requirements of the most diverse intelligence missions. These radio-monitoring systems from R&S are deployed worldwide in land-based mobile and stationary applications and on naval and airborne platforms. The company’s portfolio is further enhanced with a solution that addresses a current and growing security threat. The R&S ARDRONIS radio-monitoring solution enables users to detect and identify drone control signals early on, take bearings of the signal source and, if necessary, prevent the drones from being used.

Publisher: everything RF