Software-Defined Satellite Market to Grow Over 3x Over the Next 10 Years

Software-Defined Satellite Market to Grow Over 3x Over the Next 10 Years

According to a new report published by ResearchAndMarkets, the software-defined satellite market will grow by over 14.8% per year from 2019 to 2030. The report titled ‘Global Software-Defined Satellite Market: Analysis and Forecast, 2019-2030’ is based on End User, Mass, Orbit Technology, Subsystem, and Services.

According to the report, Europe dominated the global software-defined satellite market in 2018. Major countries such as the U.K. and France are the most prominent countries in Europe in the software-defined satellite market. During the forecast period, the Asia-Pacific is anticipated to grow at the highest rate due to an increasing requirement of the advanced satellite to attain sustainability.

The study provides a detailed analysis of 15 key players in the global software-defined satellite market, including SSTL, SSL, The Boeing Company, Airbus S.A.S, Harris Corporation, SES, Eutelsat, Intelsat, Inmarsat, Spire Global, AIKO Space, Maxar Technologies, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Thales Group, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Vector Launch, NVIDIA, and IBM, among others, in the company profiles section.

Scope of the Global Software-Defined Satellite Market

The software-defined satellite market research provides detailed market information for the number of software-defined satellite launches, subcomponents demand in the current scenario and by 2030. The purpose of this market analysis is to examine the software-defined satellite market outlook in terms of market drivers, trends, technological developments, and funding scenarios, among others.

The report further takes into consideration the market dynamics and the competitive landscape along with the detailed financial and product contribution of the key players operating in the market. The software-defined satellite market report is a compilation of different segments including market breakdown by end-user, technology, orbit, mass, subsystem, and region.

Market Segmentation

Types of subsystems included in the scope for software-defined satellites are payload, structure, telecommunication, on-board computer, power system, and attitude control system. The support subsystem, known as the satellite bus, comprises structure, telecommunication, on-board computer, power system, and attitude control system.

However, the payload which is software-defined is considered as the central unit of a software-defined satellite, responsible for providing core functionality and purpose for a particular application. The payload subsystem dominated the software-defined satellite market in 2018 and is anticipated to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period (2019-2030).

Software-defined satellites are utilized by various end-users such as academic, commercial, and government. Academic end users are mainly the educational institutes and universities, which are developing their own software-defined satellites for space exploration and scientific research. Commercial end-users basically comprise the commercial industries, such as oil and gas, mining, and agriculture, which are utilizing software-defined satellites for their product mapping and earth exploration. Government end users are primarily those space agencies that are operated by governments of different countries.

Software-defined satellites fall in different mass categories which include heavy satellites, large satellites, medium satellites, and small satellites. Small software-defined satellite is currently the dominant segment in the market by volume in the market in 2018. The large-scale market penetration is due to the deployment of Spire global small satellite constellations equipped with software-defined radios (SDRs) and small satellites for technology demonstration purposes.

This segment provides a detailed analysis of different types of orbits for software-defined satellites. The three orbits included in the scope of the report are Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), Low Earth Orbit (LEO), and Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO). In terms of a number of software-defined satellite launches, LEO witnessed the highest number of launches in the software-defined satellite market in 2018.

The ongoing research activities around software-defined satellites for LEO are expected to support the software-defined satellite market growth in the orbit. Moreover, launching a satellite in LEO is convenient and suitable in the initial testing period. Companies like Kepler Communications, Iridium Communications, Inc., and Telesat are working on LEO-based models for software-defined satellites in response to Astranis, Airbus and SES, who are actively manufacturing GEO-based software-defined satellites.

Where conventional satellites were earlier tailored to comply with single mission requirements, satellite developers are gradually adapting the vision of software-defined satellite which can be reprogrammed and reconfigured, to allow a satellite to take up new applications and expand its performance. Different technologies such as reconfigurable payload, artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing, and software-defined radio, embedded in the satellites allow them to be reconfigurable and flexible.

Click here to learn more about Global Software-Defined Satellite Market: Analysis and Forecast 2019-2030.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SoftwareSatelliteResearch