Keysight to Showcase High-Speed Digital Design Solutions at DesignCon 2020

Keysight to Showcase High-Speed Digital Design Solutions at DesignCon 2020

In the recent times, there has been a massive demand for high-speed digital throughput and interfaces as well as memory in networks and data centers, due to the unprecedented data flows from 5G and IoT. Addressing these challenges at DesignCon 2020, Keysight will be demonstrating solutions that enable customers to automate development workflows with PathWave, optimize design performance with the highest-performance test equipment, and accelerate time-to-market when designing the latest high-speed interfaces, transceivers and electronics.

Keysight is the DesignCon 2020 host sponsor and will demonstrate the following solutions at Booth #725:

Keysight High-Speed Computing Interface Solutions
  • Double Data Rate (DDR) 5 Transmitter (Tx) and Receiver (Rx) Design and Test provides automated compliance test and calibration to enable faster test times.
  • Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) 5.0 Tx and Rx Test ensures signal quality and accuracy of PCIe 5.0 signals at 32 giga transfers per second (GT/s) speed.
Keysight Data Center Connectivity Solutions
  • 400GE 4-Level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM4) Tx Test examines signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) and related 400G validation measurements delivering higher instrumentation precision to extract design margins for Tx characterization and validation.
  • 100 GBaud Error Analysis and Layer 1 Test with Forward Error Correction (FEC) provides next-generation digital interfaces running at speeds beyond 60 GBaud flexibility in terms of speed, modulation formats, and digital signal Tx and Rx processing. Also enables increased bandwidth in data center networks to integrate FEC constraints into physical design validation.
  • PAM4 400G Bit Error Rate (BER) provides real-time BERs on all electrical lanes to quickly evaluate the performance of FEC for PAM4 encoded signaling. Also performs error analysis of PAM-4 signals up to 58 Gbaud with the latest enhancement to the M8040A High-performance BERT system.
Keysight Consumer Electronics Solutions
  • USB 4.0 & Type-C Tx and Rx compliant solutions for USB4 over a lossy, low-cost, passive cable using the UXR-Series oscilloscope.
Keysight Signal and Power Integrity Solutions
  • Signal and Power Integrity Analysis offers insight into the transmission of digital data from the transmitter, through channel interconnects to the receiver, at 400G data rates.
Keysight Design and Test Software Solutions
  • PathWave Design & Test Software delivers a design and test software platform for agile and connected engineering workflows — from design and simulation, to prototype and test, to manufacturing.
Keysight Services

KeysightCare - a unique service model that offers design and test engineers dedicated, proactive support for instruments, software and solutions that enhance processes and transform test asset insights into improved return on investment.

  • When: January 28th – 30th, 2020
  • Where: Booth 725, Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA
  • Media Activities: Contact Geri LaCombe to schedule media briefings and solution demonstrations
  • Chiphead Theatre: Wednesday, January 29th from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm - “Leading Edge + Mainstream Technologies – Everything is Moving to Next Generation”
  • Presenter: Brig Asay, Keysight’s Director of Strategic Planning – Internet Infrastructure Group

Join Keysight’s technical experts as they discuss advanced design and test solutions at Keysight Education Forum (KEF) sessions.

Click here to view more highlights from DesignCon 2020.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   IoT5G