Kratos Demonstrates Interoperability Success Using the DIFI Standard for Satellite Ground Technology

Kratos Demonstrates Interoperability Success Using the DIFI Standard for Satellite Ground Technology

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, a technology company in defense, national security and global markets, demonstrated 100% interoperability success at the first ever DIFI Plugfest, where satellite solution providers converged to test the interoperability of their Digital IF products.

Founded under the auspices of the IEEE, the Digital IF Interoperability (DIFI) Consortium is an independent, international group of companies, organizations, and government agencies that have an interest in the interoperability of satellite ground system equipment. Its Digital IF/RF standard is intended to accelerate industry transformation beyond stove-piped, hardware-based systems to digital software-defined networks.

“Plugfests” are events held to test electronic equipment and software product interoperability between vendors against a technical standard. Seven equipment makers participated in this inaugural DIFI Plugfest, led by Kratos, providing the most products tested, including:

  • OpenSpace quantumRadio is a virtualized modem that provides RF signal processing for TT&C and narrowband payload missions
  • OpenSpace quantumRX is a virtualized modem that provides RF signal processing for wideband missions
  • OpenSpace Channelizer and OpenSpace Combiner: software used to split and combine digitized RF signals for more effective downlink and uplink processing
  • SpectralNet Wideband Digitizer converts RF signals into digital IP packets for RF over IP transport

“Kratos is leading the movement to build interoperable, standards-based products that bring satellite networks into the mainstream of the global communications infrastructure,” said Kevin Tobias, Director of Product Management at Kratos. “That leadership was evident in the success across the broad range of Kratos products at DIFI’s Plugfest event. With our OpenSpace, SpectralNet and quantum products, Kratos is working to build a digital future that delivers more flexible, streamlined and affordable satellite services worldwide.”

The implementation of the DIFI standard across a wide variety of ground system products is foundational in Kratos’ ongoing effort to support the mainstreaming of satellite services so that satellite ground systems operate seamlessly with today’s wireless and terrestrial networks. As a founding member of the DIFI Consortium, Kratos recognizes the importance of the adoption of standards like DIFI in advancing that transformation and the satellite industry’s ability to scale and meet future demand.

Click here to learn more about Kratos on everything RF.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Satellite