Laser Radio Transmitter

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  • Author: Marco Piccardo, Michele Tamagnone, Benedikt Schwarz, Paul Chevalier, Noah A. Rubin, Yongrui Wang, Christine A. Wang, Michael K. Connors, Daniel McNulty, Alexey Belyanin, Federico Capasso

Since the days of Hertz, radio transmitters have evolved from rudimentary circuits emitting around 50 MHz to modern ubiquitous Wi-Fi devices operating at gigahertz radio bands. As wireless data traffic continues to increase there is a need for new communication technologies capable of high-frequency operation for highspeed data transfer. Here the researchers have given a proof of concept of a new compact radio frequency transmitter based on a semiconductor laser frequency comb. The results will pave the way to new applications and functionality in optical frequency combs, such as wireless radio communication and wireless synchronization to a reference source.

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