RF Plasma Sources

24 RF Plasma Sources from 8 manufacturers listed on everything RF

RF Plasma Sources from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download datasheets and request quotes/information for products that you find interesting. Your inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors in your region.

Description:Mini RF Plasma Source for Research
Gas Flow Rate:
0.1 to 5 SCCM
RF Power Level:
150 to 400 W
Frequency tuning:
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ELITE-750FD-01 Image
Description:13.56 MHz RF Plasma Generator
Output Frequency:
13.56 MHz ± 0.005%
RF Power Level:
1 to 750 W
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Description:13.56 MHz Valved RF Plasma Source
Output Frequency:
13.56 MHz (Generator)
Frequency tuning:
Automatic matching box
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Description:Plasma Cracker Atom Source (RF Plasma)
Output Frequency:
13.56 MHz
Gas Flow Rate:
0.1 to 100 SCCM
RF Power Level:
400 to 500 W
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Description:RF Plasma Generators from 1 to 60 MHz
Output Frequency:
1 to 60 MHz
RF Power Level:
3.5 to 10 kW
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Description:Plasma Sources from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz
Output Frequency:
2.4 to 2.5 GHz
RF Power Level:
100 W
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Description:RF Plasma Sources for Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
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Description:High Density RF Plasma Sources
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Description:High Growth Rate RF Plasma Source
Gas Flow Rate:
0.1 to 5 SCCM
RF Power Level:
200 to 600 W
Frequency tuning:
Manually Tuned Auto Tuning Optional
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Description:6 kW, Quartz Microwave Plasma Source
Output Frequency:
2.44 to 2.47 GHz
Gas Flow Rate:
1 to 10 slm
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Output Frequency


Gas Flow Rate (SCCM)


RF Power Level (W)
